EatsOA and All

Everything Nice: A Reminder that Everything’s Nice

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What’s better than to start the year with everything nice… It’s an opportune prelude to the year ahead with everything nice… Life, after all when put in proper perspective, offers everything nice.

Everything nice, SM City Baguio …those white ‘Batibot’ chairs add so much to the NICEness

To acknowledge such optimistic disposition, it’s only proper to celebrate it with ‘everyone nice’ and in a place where, for everything partaken (food, stories, togetherness, ambiance, mood, etc.), we are reminded of everything nice; literally and delectably.

Yes, literally… there’s a place here in Baguio, a famous place actually, called Everything Nice where we went to (Ayala Techno-Hub branch) a few days prior to 2020. Make that “LETTERally” then, as you’d be “spell-bound”… You’d be bound to spell ‘delectable’ with “E~v~e~r~y~thing Nice.” Or you could simply abbreviate/acronymize it to ‘EN’ as I did after having their Italian Cheesecake ~ I spelled it with ‘EN’ ~ “EN sarap!” It reminded me of counterbalancing assurance as to how my life’s “Italian Cheesecake-like” essence as it is ~ compared to others’ more sought-after “Blueberry Cheesecake” kind of existence. It has just the right mix for that elemental contentment.

Italian Cheesecake

‘En’ good it was, my kids “helped themselves” finish it ~ almost ~ yet generous enough to leave some for me… (told you, I was “reminded” of who i was with ~ ‘everyone nice’ ~ and I’ve been reminded that, next time, their order should be served first.🤪) Nevertheless, it was nice indeed that the kids liked it as well. I thought I’d order another slice but the equally luscious cassava cake was similarly ENticing… It reminded me to be patient as it’s best served warm and worth the wait (considering I usually prefer my cassava cake cold)… A reminder that patience is a virtue… that there are things done differently other than what we’re usually accustomed to and that it’s best to try it yourself first before you pass on judgement… Whoa! Is it “CAS’ AVA” lot more to be reminded of?

Cassava Cake

Sure enough, their ‘Creamy Baked Penne’ reminded me of taking chances as it PENNEtrated my senses in a “cream-of-the-crop” way as I got baked… sounds naughty but it’s more of ENtrancing… Like in a trance, I felt high to disregard any possible allergic reaction to tomato, much like an apparent “nagmumurang kamatis” (in me) yet my overweening avoidance (OA) was sedated by the balanced creaminess as it was that good not to be reminded that I’ve got to try it at least… as though sinful in a good way.

Baked Creamy Penne

And as if doubling the carb intake, Everything Nice’s ‘Spaghetti CARBonara’ is as ENdearing to the palate. You’d be reminded of two “weight-neutralizing” (pun intended) things: “Eat more or Enough,” much like any inducement, or rather make that ENducement (its obsolete form), as it’s likewise a reminder that good things don’t get old… a comfort food you’d ENjoy time and again.

Spaghetti Carbonara

We’ve been here for the ‘EN’th time… and it has, so far, lived up to its name. For the longest time it has been at Camp John Hay seemingly reminding us that, sometimes, going out of your way is ENergy-saving in a way (in “Every Notion” (EN) of the word)… Whereas with due consideration (as another accommodating factor for a reminder) for all its accessibility’s worth among the other end of the spectrum, Everything Nice opened another branch last December 8 at SM City Baguio.

Everything Nice, SM City Baguio branch opening with Mayor Benjie and Mme Arlene Magalong… with the “Ever Nice” (EN) owner, Ms Techie Pantaleon (3rd from right)

Wherever branch you prefer, Everything Nice ENsures an ENlivening experience, when you’re up for ‘everything nice’.

“Spellbound?” Here’s another:

The EN

** ~ (…because the ‘D’ has been ‘D’electably consumed, there’ll be a sequel)

Happy New Year!

Cheers as everything’s nice ‘EN’ Cheers to Everything Nice!

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