EatsOA and All

And all… He digests… She savors…


WhOt obout “O”? Oi o’as kOind of overthinking obout ol “O” oadjectives lOike ‘Owesome’ or oinything lOike “omoizing, opproving, oppreciative!” Oy viro loang ha, o’right! That wouldn’t be occurate oinyway…

There’s “A” fitting reason some of those adjectives are spelled with an ‘A’ if only for the “A-ther” half of “O/A” to ‘A’ddress “Ane” ‘A’ssessment from “A” different “A”ngle…

I’m more like the “O” for Objective, Overwhelmed, Obliging ot ibo Pho… Omenggoodness! (yup, that’s my IG handle…) That’s me! I rather see the “goodness” in anything; in this case, anything food related… even food for thought or food for the soul… anything that feeds our senses I guess… I or “O” believes that every detail put therein has a good intention for a backstory given how it was conceptualized to and eventually be shared for (public) consumption to begin with… While anything physical as far as aesthetics are concerned depends on the eye of the beholder, I have a similar belief when it comes to taste as it’s actually “conditional” on the tongue or even the mood/cravings of the consumer…

I’m not a connoisseur or a foodie. I just like to eat and my #dadbod can attest to that… What makes a 5-Star restaurant “worthy” of its luster, you tell me… It doesn’t really matter if one is a cook, a chef or just someone who likes to dish out an edible treat… We’re just an avenue. As for my take on it, make that “O’ a new venue!” if only to have you see something you might want to try for yourself… O diba… O’k? O’right!

O pa’no, kitakits


Updated: January 1, 2023
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