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OA Fam at Adam's Garden in Mt. Costa: The Green Living Room

Adam’s Garden at Mount Costa

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If you’ve been here recently, then perhaps you know from one of our previous posts that we’ve been to the very new and recently opened “Green Living Room” at Mt. Costa. It just so happened that hiking tends to make one (or four of us) super hungry, thankfully, Adam’s Garden was there to the rescue!

Don’t know what I’m talking about? No problem, read here: ‘Eat your heart out’ Doesn’t COSTA’lot

I always find myself saying “Hello” whenever I start off a blog post, why? Because it’s rude not to.๐Ÿ˜ So, helllooo everyone!๐Ÿ˜ I hope you are having an amazing day!๐Ÿ˜

Adam’s Garden at Mt. Costa: The Green Living Room

If you’re here for the food, you’re in luck because I’m just about to get to that.๐Ÿ˜

So, because Mt. Costa has just opened, they’re like literally a week old or so, so it’s quite understandable that there is only one food kiosk that has opened, and it’s Adam’s Garden. I asked the lady who served us our food why it’s called Adam’s Garden and it turns out because it’s the husband of Eve’s Garden. Just kidding, those weren’t her exact words, but you get the idea.๐Ÿ˜

#EatsOA have not had a chance to try out Eve’s Garden because it’s a by-reservation only type of restaurant and I heard they only have vegetables, like salads and all sorts of other leafy things. Which is perfectly fine and delicious, I’m sure, but you know how much of a carnivore I am.๐Ÿ˜ So.๐Ÿ˜

Okay, going back to Adam’s Garden. We were told when we arrived that there was only one food kiosk currently open and that they served Korean inspired dishes. We do love Korean cuisine so we were like, ooh, that’s great actually.๐Ÿ˜

So off we went on our family hike, taking lots of pictures in between and then “L” goes, “I’m hungry.”, like he always does.๐Ÿ˜ So we headed off to find the food kiosk, which we realized was just a stone’s throw away from us, classic “L” to smell food when it’s within distance.๐Ÿ˜‚

At the food kiosk, the choices were limited, again, they just opened, but I’m sure their food selection is going to grow once people start coming in. There were only a handful of people at the time of our visit, which we love because we were able to enjoy the “Green Living Room” on our own and we didn’t feel the need to rush when we were taking our famfies, which is always awesome because it means we get to take more photos.๐Ÿ˜

Anyway, we ordered everything available on the menu, but I was like:

The Fuck you mean Sal-ad?
What is ‘Sal-ad’?

So what was available was Adam’s SaladBibimbap and Tuna Sandwich. Now, I don’t recall the prices exactly, because I was too preoccupied with psyching myself up for the salad and wondering if I’d like it.๐Ÿ˜ It didn’t cost a lot though because we only spent less than 500Php.

Tuna Sandwich

Tuna Sandwich at Adam's Garden in Mt. Costa: The Green Living Room
Tuna ka ba? Kasi hindi na ako mag-iisa, TUNA tayo.๐Ÿ˜‚

The Tuna Sandwich was made with Tuna, cucumber, lettuce and their special sauce that was oh so yum on a crusty baguette.๐Ÿ˜‹

Don’t let its appearance fool you, this Tuna sandwich is not the commercialized kind you find in school canteens and the like.

No scrimping of ingredients here, there’s lots of tuna, lots of sauce, a big leafy lettuce and big slices of cucumber. The spread that was used was not the cheap kind you find in jars too, it tasted like it was made special. Or maybe I was just hungry?๐Ÿ˜

Whatever, it tasted good for me. Definitely made me go, “Mmm, mmm, umm, umm…”. Seriously, writing it down gives it no justice but we make this signature “Mmm, mmm, umm, umm…” sound that we got from ‘L’ when he was a toddler, I’m going to have to record that for y’all so you know what I’m talking about.๐Ÿ˜‹


The Bibimbap was freaking amazing. Definitely makes my list of the Top 3 Best Bibimbap I’ve had in my life, “O” and I have a quest and we’ll write about it when we’ve had at least 10 of the same food.๐Ÿ˜‹

Anyway, the Bibimbap was sooo good! I had my doubts because some just burn your tongue off because of how spicy it is, but even though this was spicy, it wasn’t overwhelming, I didn’t add a lot of the spicy sauce on mine, as I’m told it already had a bit in it, so I added just a wee tiny bit to make sure it has a kick.

The ending? It was deliciously spicy, the sauce itself was freaking good, for something spicy, I am not a fan of spicy food, so the fact that I liked the sauce, says a lot about how good this is.

It had just the right amount of kick and I was still able to feel my tongue afterwards.๐Ÿ˜‹


The Kimchi was oh so good too, definitely made my Top 5 list of the Best Kimchi I’ve ever had and Ive tried a lot of it, since kimchi is everywhere in the city these days!๐Ÿ˜„

The veggies were crisp and oh so fresh and because the sauce wasn’t too overwhelmingly spicy, I actually got to enjoy the crispness of the veggies and I was actually able to taste how good the beef and everything was.

This was definitely an enjoyable meal, considering its price and despite having to eat with it with a plastic spork.

Good job Adam! I’d definitely go to Mt. Costa again, just to have this.๐Ÿ˜Š

Bibimbap at at Adam's Garden in Mt. Costa: The Green Living Room
This picture doesn’t even give it justice, it was freaking delicious!๐Ÿคค

Adam’s Garden ‘Sal-ad’?

So, this ‘Sal-ad’ they spoke of is a bunch of fresh vegetables with special sauce on it.

They called it Adam’s Salad. How did I like it?

Adam's Salad at Adam's Garden in Mt. Costa: The Green Living Room

I don’t really eat veggies unless I have to.๐Ÿ˜†

It’s not that I don’t like it. Why do people always assume I don’t like veggies just because it’s not my first choice of food?

I mean seriously, if you had a choice between a perfectly grilled steak or a salad? Iโ€™d most definitely go for the steak, but thatโ€™s just me.๐Ÿ˜‚

But this Sal-ad is very very good!๐Ÿ˜‹ The veggies were fresh and crunchy and the sauce is just di-vine!๐Ÿ˜‹

I am at a loss for words on how to describe this salad; every sporkful is like having a medley of flavors exploding in my mouth.

I love that it had different textures, the crunchiness from the lettuce, carrots and almond (thinly sliced, shaved almost), then the softness of the raisins, and then the wonderful flavor of the sauceโ€ฆ

Iโ€™m salivating just thinking about it.๐Ÿคค

Now I really canโ€™t wait to visit Eveโ€™s Garden for a proper yummy veggie meal.๐Ÿคค

Have you tried food at Adamโ€™s Garden? Howโ€™d you like it?

Adamโ€™s Garden at Mt. Costa: The Green Living Room
Lamtang Road, La Trinidad, Benguet
Mount Costa: The Green Living Room on Facebook

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